My Inbox

By | July 28, 2004

Some people (maybe only 2 or 3 of the 4 or 5 friends I have) have expressed an interest in what kind of email I get.  Well, just for example, in the last 24 hours I have received 8 emails from former IBEX students.  One was replying to my blog below about being a spammer.  Another was asking about where to find the website for our church.  A third was describing a particular stone down near the dorms that the guy wants me to find.  A fourth and fifth were from two guys who are helping me in various ways on BiblePlaces things.  A sixth was from a guy telling me about his new girlfriend (yes – an IBEX couple, post-semester hookup).

Now let me see if I can guess what will be in tomorrow’s email: 8 people asking who the sixth guy is. :-)  Sorry – I’m not telling.

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