New Newsletter from Dr. Doug Bookman

By | August 5, 2004

I have the happy opportunity of being the first in the world to announce the new “BookNotes” – periodic comments on biblical and theological subjects by Dr. Doug Bookman. You can sign up here: or here. Now you might wonder how I got this distinct honor. Good question. Does Bookman know about this? Kinda. Has he agreed to do it? Not exactly. Will he if thousands of people sign up? More likely than if there are just two (that’s the current count – two of my email addresses :-)). Have I been after him to do this for 2.6 years? Yes. Actually setting it up was the genesis of the BiblePlaces Newsletter (once I figured out how to do his, I figured I’d do one myself). Since that time, I switched mine (and his) over to an ad-free service (provided most graciously by Brad Hilton and his employers!). Will there be a BookNotes website? Yes. Do we need someone to design it? Also yes.

Tell anyone you know who might be interested to sign up. (Link again:

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