Return to Jericho

By | September 15, 2004

For the last four years, it hasn’t been very easy (or always safe) to visit Jericho. Today I had the opportunity and took it. The tell hasn’t really changed, but was good to be back and think about related things. Jericho is, of course, famous for being destroyed first in the conquest of Joshua, but the Bible records many other events occurring there. I did a loop around the tell, trying to make sure I hadn’t missed anything in visits before, and taking 1GB worth of photos. I was struck by just how well remains are preserved in balks and trenches, with clear outlines of sometimes hundreds of mudbricks visible. I also was glad I checked on the storejars that Kenyon left in her balk (square H2 if I remember correctly), as the erosion of the balk has made the storejars stand out more clearly than before. The best part of the visit? Showing Luke and Mark the various things (isn’t it something when Mark asks a question that demands an answer of “Kathleen Kenyon”? :-)). And talking about the story with them. I don’t think the impressions will ever leave them. Afterwards they went on a camel ride; I include a couple of photos from that.

0 thoughts on “Return to Jericho

  1. Anonymous

    Great photos. I was showing them to my wife, Pansy because it was 4 years ago, in June of 2004, that we were with you in Jericho–the hotest place I have ever been on earth and she rode a camel, maybe the same one.

    Bill Combs


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