Pool of Siloam – the latest

By | July 11, 2005
I’ve found that one blog post easily leads to another, and the converse true as well.  It’s not that I haven’t thought of anything to blog about in the past 3 weeks, but that it’s just been easy to do other things.  Since the last post, I have spent 4 full days in Sinai, flown to the US, and gotten sick twice.  I’m hoping this post will lead to another, with some thoughts on the Sinai trip and the book I’m currently reading.  For now, this post will merely refer you to a blog-type page I did last week on the Pool of Siloam.  There is more new stuff there than I could show on photos or explain in the text.  That means there is more to come in the months ahead.

0 thoughts on “Pool of Siloam – the latest

  1. EdwardsFan

    Thanks for the updates Todd. It’s good to read the latest news in-between your newsletters. Any chance of getting Randy to write a blog on current events in Israel?

  2. Ashley Ryan

    Hey Todd,
    I was just on the Jerusalem Post website and saw that they opened up a new theme park down there in Eilat and it has to do with Biblical events such as King Solomon’s palace, Egyptian pharoahs and a cave where theys how Biblical events. Have you seen or visited this place yet? I can’t remember if that was in construction when we were there in ’03. Just curious as to whether your family has been there. I hope you all are enjoying your summer. Its been a busy and difficult summer for me but I’m reminded daily of God’s faithfulness and Sovereignty over all things. The Lord bless you all! Ashley

  3. Todd Bolen

    I haven’t been to it. I’ve been in Eilat several times recently but without time for extra activities. I don’t really have high hopes for it.

  4. Amy

    Todd, I read your blog too. It is really exciting to read about all the excavations going on at the Pool of Siloam. We hauled mud out of the Siloam Channel then right? There wasn’t a name for it while we were there that I remember. Do you know where the fall semester will be doing excavations? Nearby? Yuliya and Shane will be back to cause trouble for you! Don’t worry, I’d be surprised if this group is as loud as ours!


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