A Few Worthwhile Minutes

By | July 27, 2005
I’d like to have time to write something of substance, but short of that, here’s a few things to check out:
If you don’t read Justin Taylor’s blog regularly, at least take a look at this little story from the life of J. I. Packer.  One of those strange ways in which God works.
My friend Eric Zeller (whose shirt I happen to be wearing today) has recently started up FoolishBlog – well worth reading.
Tomorrow I go to the Oriental Institute Museum to take a look since they’ve renovated everything.  Also plan to go to an extraordinary exhibit at another museum.  More on that later, assuming I go and it doesn’t make me thoroughly sick.  The friend I’m going with had me bring some Dead Sea water in a bottle.  Not recommended, and not because of possible spillage.  Because of security.  Everyone wanted to search that bag to see what was in that bottle.
And here are some cool wallpaper images. Try to figure out how they did it :-).

0 thoughts on “A Few Worthwhile Minutes

  1. EWZ

    Glad to hear you’re still wearing the shirt! Thanks for your kind words about the foolishblog. We’re holding out hope that you’re going to make it out to Dallas one of these days.


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