
By | August 16, 2005

Today is Kelli’s birthday. We have a wedding to go to and I have guard duty afterwards, so we probably won’t have too much of a “celebration.” We did have a barbecue yesterday in IBEX Park with American friends and that was enjoyable. We had about 14 adults and more kids. If you want to send Kelli birthday greetings, you can, at kelli@bibleplaces.com. She doesn’t write much email these days (taking care of 4 little kids and 1 big one – me), but if you have a moment to write, I think she’d appreciate it.

0 thoughts on “B-day

  1. Todd Bolen

    Male residents of our community rotate sitting at the entrance gate and checking cars that come in during the evening hours. It is mostly a “presence,” though sometimes people want to just look around and they aren’t let through. I’m armed with nothing more than a can of mosquito spray. :-)


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