Short and Random

By | August 19, 2005

It’s Friday and the day isn’t going as planned, so a few brief and random comments.

I watched 20 minutes of CNN last night about the Gaza withdrawal and was struck by how many dishonest or unfair statements were made. There are two sides to the story, to be sure, but CNN sure botched it during those 20 minutes. Maybe they always do; thankfully I am blissfully unaware.

The New York Times has a great little interactive map showing the progress of the withdrawal.

Jim West reports that Jerome Murphy-O’Connor fell into a coma during his visit to Ireland. I had the chance to have lunch with him earlier this summer and enjoyed our conversation. I have always had high regard for him. The Holy Land is the best guidebook for archaeological sites. I pray that the Lord restores his health completely.

I just finished reading “Listening to the Language of the Bible” by my friend Lois Tverberg. I admit that I am always reluctant to read books that are sent to me, but I started this and found it to have a number of helpful insights about various Hebrew concepts in the Bible. I recommend it.

Bill just sent me this quote from Rush Limbaugh. It’s actually similar to something we hear all the time, but here you get it from someone famous: “I went to Israel…It was a four-day trip, and this four days, folks, was worth two years of college.” Most of those who come here would agree. Some of those who never have been here think it’s not worthwhile to come.

Lastly, my hands were giving me problems earlier today and so I went running. It’s quite a nice day and I realized that I was hardly sweating. Bet you can’t do that in Dallas in August at noon!

0 thoughts on “Short and Random

  1. Dan & Diedra

    You’re right, Todd. I was on my bike today around noon, and I think the high today was about 99 degrees. Needless to say, I prespired profusely and drank a lot of water. We can’t wait for you to become a Texan! :-) Yee Haw!


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