They Don't Say This on CNN

By | August 19, 2005

Anyone who knows the history of Palestine/Israel in the 20th century knows of the many untruths which are spread through the media. One reality is that some of the land that “belongs to the Palestinians” was actually owned by Jews long before 1948 or 1967. From Arutz-7:

Jews originally bought land in what is now the area of Kfar Darom 100 years ago, but the small Jewish presence there was destroyed during the Arab riots of 1936-39. Several years later, Kibbutz Kfar Darom was established by none other than David Ben-Gurion, who set up eleven communities for the purpose of populating the Negev. The Egyptians attacked it mercilessly during the War of Independence in 1948, and though it staved off several attacks, Kfar Darom was finally abandoned in July 1949.

The same can be said for many “occupied” places throughout the West Bank. But you’ll never hear that on CNN.

0 thoughts on “They Don't Say This on CNN

  1. Anonymous

    I watched some of the CNN coverage. What specific errors did you see or hear.


  2. Todd Bolen

    spjim – I didn’t write any thing down and now I can’t remember things specifically (and it’s the specifics that count). As I watched, I thought I should have brought a computer to type in some of the things they said, but I didn’t. Sorry.

  3. Anonymous

    Hey Todd,

    My name is Daniel Portela (I’m from Brazil) and I went on the three week trip to Israel in May 2003. Anywho, I doubt that you remember me but I try and keep updated with whats going on with Israel through the web and your newsletters (by the way, love your photographs). Anywho, thanks for the perspective on what’s going on as it is tough for me, who is not there, to filter through all the things the media throws at us about the Middle Eastern conflicts. Thanks again for your insights. Hope the Lord continues to bless you and your family, and may He give you strength to keep on blessing the lives of so many people as you have blessed mine.

    Your South American brother,



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