One More Time

By | August 27, 2005

Our students arrive in less than 24 hours, which means that summer is over. This semester will be especially busy for me because I’m teaching the field trip course (called “The Land and the Bible”). I’ve added two overnights on to the trips in Jerusalem in the first week and a half, which means 1) more fun; 2) more photos; 3) less sleep. One will be on a rooftop and another in a hotel. The first is cheaper and nothing beats watching the sun rise over the Mt. of Olives. It’s possible that this could be my last time teaching the course and so I plan to knock myself out. Come to think of it, I do that every time :-). I think it’s not a bad way to live – as if each time could be my last.

I still marvel at where God has placed me. I can think, wow, how great it would be to travel around and see all the places where the Bible events happened. And then I realize, I’ve already done that! Dozens of times! And I get to do it again – amazing! I don’t even have to pay. I certainly don’t deserve it. I do desire to be a wise steward.

My blogging pace will slow down; this month was probably a record for me. I’ve enjoyed it and hope to be able to make the time to continue. I have no doubt that I’ll have interesting things to share, but there’s not always energy at the end of a long day.

On another note, I’m having the great delight right now of teaching our two oldest to read. Kelli, my wife, might disagree, as she certainly has done much work. But I’m seeing fruit, and it’s great to watch them read words for the first time. I wouldn’t have guessed it would be so much fun. I wonder how long before Mark is able to read Kingdom of Priests? :-)

0 thoughts on “One More Time

  1. Gunner

    Todd: You do have an amazing job, and you do it well. I hope that you do, figuratively speaking, knock yourself out. It is amazing to think that this could be your last go-around.

    Wish I could be there. There is no place like it.

  2. Jonathan Moorhead

    One more thing Todd. I would still love a few photos of the Bible at Herzl’s grave if you have the chance. As I mentioned before, it is the Bible that William E. Blackstone (still a possible dissertation topic for me) gave to him. Thanks a million!

  3. becca boone

    hi todd! just wanted to let you know that i really enjoy reading your blog and am looking forward to seeing more pictures on the ibex website. i’m still trying to come back to israel/egypt over Christmas break, but we’ll see how that goes.

  4. Happy

    Let’s hope he can read it sooner than later! I loved Kingdom of Priests and am planning on reading it through this semester.


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