Some good (short) reads and a photo quiz

By | September 7, 2005

Another night and a day in Jerusalem makes this teacher tired. A few recent reads are worth suggesting:

1. An article on the excavations of “David’s Palace”, with new information. See also this reasonable analysis by Higgaion. I, of course, would like to say more about it.

2. An excellent interview by Justin Taylor with C. J. Mahaney on humility, the subject of his forthcoming book.

3. A good biblical perspective on the hurricane and our response to it by Gunner. The Intellectual Activist has a good column on how the government helped to create the current post-hurricane crisis and it’s not what you think. (Hint: he government “helped” too much, for the last 40 years.)

As a bonus, I’ll throw in a photo I took this morning and you can try to guess where I took it. Choices are below.

a) The city maintenance garage; b) The scrap metal recycling center; c) The most holy place in the world and God’s former and future residence, the Temple Mount.

0 thoughts on “Some good (short) reads and a photo quiz

  1. Jonathan Moorhead

    Considering (1) the place is a mess; and (2) the walkway railing and garage doors are green, I would say it is the Muslim controlled Temple Mount area. Do I get a free set of your picture CDs if I ‘m right? :-)

  2. DannyT

    I’m guessing it was (c). I heard there is an all-expense paid trip for 2 to the Holy Land for getting right. Ohhh, i sure hope i’m right.


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