Don't Bother Excavating

By | September 13, 2005

I graded a new assignment today – that is, one that I have never given, though I’ve taught the OT Archaeology course many times. I had the students spend some time studying one of the volumes of the Survey of Western Palestine, and then write a review about it. My primary goal was to give them exposure to and understanding of one of the best studies of the land ever done. One student found a remarkable quote in looking through volume 3: “The study of archaeology in Palestine, by excavation or otherwise, is not likely to bring to light very much of value with respect to the illustration of the Bible” (p. 450). That was in the 1880s. If only they had known… :-) We’re starting a new thing at and that is to post some of the work that the students do. That will add a dimension to the “beach pictures” type of thing that is more common on the website. We haven’t yet set up that section, but I’ve uploaded the file already. If you’re looking for a 5-minute intro of the Survey of Western Palestine, this is what you’re looking for. If you’re looking for the 26-map set, you can find it here for $4000 or here for $35. And the index for the SWP volumes is here for $4000 or here for free.

Here are the two latest reasons why the United States should increase its support of the Palestinian Authority. Its respect for Jewish places of worship and its respect for Christians.

If you’re wondering how that group photo came out that I was working on the other day, you can see it at now.

Tomorrow a dream comes true. I get to go to amazing biblical sites like Gezer, Michmash, and Jericho. Oh wait, I’ve done that dozens of times. Sometimes I ask – is this really my life? God has blessed me far beyond what I deserve.

0 thoughts on “Don't Bother Excavating

  1. Gunner

    Todd: Great idea for ibexsemester. Since the studying and learning is so much of the experience, it will be nice for people to be able to see some of the fruit of the IBEX’ers labor.

    One thing that no one told me before I went to Israel was how educationally profitable it would be. All I ever heard was how “it was so awesome to stand in the places where Bible events happened.” Sure, visiting Geba and Michmash is great, but if you go home and forget what happened there along with the who and the when and the why and the where and the lessons that we should take from those things, well, all you really had was a ‘camp high’ with very little to show for it.

    So I’m excited to see more about the educational side.

  2. Gunner

    Actually, I need to revise one of my statements. YOU told me how educationally profitable it would be, especially for a teaching ministry. But I can’t remember anyone else telling me that. And I think it’s important for people to know before they go (or as they’re deciding whether or not to go) just how much they can learn. And I only took one class over three and a half weeks.


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