My Worst Field Trip

By | September 22, 2005

A few years ago I distinctly remember returning from a “Jerusalem Approaches” field trip and thinking, That was the worst trip I’ve ever been on. It wasn’t because of the students – they were great (Sp01), but it was largely because we simply couldn’t go to all the good places, because of Palestinian terrorism. And the weather was lousy.

Yesterday was different. We could go back and do almost the same trip we did before 2000. In the last year and a half we started going back to Bethlehem and Herodium. Yesterday I added Tekoa, the wilderness route to En Gedi, and Solomon’s Pools back to the list. (Though I’m not confident that they will stay because of the likelihood of increased terrorism in the West Bank now that the Gaza withdrawal is complete.)

Here’s a photo of the border wall that the Israelis have built to seal off the West Bank. This opening allows passage through on the ancient “Road of the Patriarchs” (or Watershed Ridge). If only Abraham knew what the results would be of his taking of Hagar. The land that God gave him is now being walled off in sections. And that meant we missed one of the things I liked to do – walk from Bethany to Jerusalem. Now the wall cuts off Bethany from Bethphage and so the walk is no longer possible.

Growing up, my parents never let us miss school. I’m of another mind, and yesterday Luke skipped. Instead of the usual first-grade fare, he got to climb over the Mt. of Olives, learn about the last week of Christ’s life, visit the traditional birthplace of Jesus, and see the massive reservoirs of Herod (aka Solomon’s Pools). And climb around in the Bar Kochba tunnels of the Herodium. All of that with the best college prof that lives at his house :-).

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