Tuesday's Quiz

By | September 27, 2005

A prize to the first person who can tell me (via a comment) what is hanging on my bedroom wall. It’s been there for some years, and I’m expecting that some of the readers of this blog have seen it. Although random guesses could be fun too :-).

Tomorrow we go to the Shephelah, and I’m going to try to squeeze in a “bonus” stop at a site I haven’t seen for years. Now it’s time to go home for dinner.

0 thoughts on “Tuesday's Quiz

  1. Gunner

    Although I’ve been in the Bolen home, I don’t remember seeing the Bolen bedroom during the tour (I did briefly see the kids’ room). I’ll guess, though: the jawdone of a medium-sized donkey, found in the Shephelah. Do I win?

  2. EWZ

    Could it be a mummified human foot (with a small toenail), smuggled from the tombs of Egypt and presented to you as a gift by some immature but well-meaning former students?

  3. ilena madraso

    no, Erik, that’s in his office (at least it was when I was there!) The foot was hidden amongst a bunch of books, wrapped in a newspaper! I bet that it is- although I’ve never seen your bedroom- hmmm, this is harder than I thought… your old hat that you would wear on our field trips. Or did you loose that?

  4. ilena madraso

    no, no, I know…a Marshalltown trowel- I made my dad buy one for our stucco jobs around here…it reminded me of Israel and that wretched dig we did ;)

  5. ilena madraso

    ok, one more guess…because I want to win whatever the prize is…a picture of your wife:)
    Really, i’m done now!

  6. D Frese

    How about a ridiculously oversized world map? (Does wallpapered into place count as “hanging”?)

  7. Gunner

    Don’t you love how you get the most feedback on the least-significant posts? It happens on every serious blog that I read.

    By the way, Piper’s at Azusa Pacific’s chapel tomorrow morning. A boatload of students are driving out to hear him.

  8. cindi

    Or perhaps you have a life-size portrait of your FA’00 IBEX group. I do understand this doesn’t seem very logical since you weren’t too fond of this group. Perhaps it is there so that every night as you are going to bed you can be thankful that semester of your life is over.


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