I'm a Rock Star

By | September 28, 2005

Well, maybe not, but I can now claim the dubious distinction of having my name cut into someone’s hair.

I did not initiate, motivate, or encourage such behavior. I only found out after the deed was done.

Today was the Shephelah trip and it went well. In addition to a number of “regular” sites, we got out to Gath before the sun went down. They have made progress in the excavations there, though I didn’t have enough time or light to see it all. I did visit the “moat of Hazael” and adjacent building (described here), though I wasn’t as impressed as I had hoped. I had seen the moat before and there was no change to that.

I also found the Middle Bronze gate that was excavated this summer at Beth Shemesh. The stone foundation of the gate is clear and well-preserved. The style is exactly like that of the gates at Shechem, Hazor, Gezer, etc. It was good review for my students, who will see a question about it on the Archaeology mid-term in the morning.

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