Sins of the Student, Part 4

By | October 2, 2005

My last comment in this series is a simple one. Students too often do not understand the need for a proper amount of sleep.

If your job is physical, like construction work, then getting enough sleep at night may not be as important. But when your job is largely mental, and you have to be alert in class, and sharp when reading, not having enough sleep greatly reduces the ability to do your job well.

Students often don’t think this through. They think that they must stay up until 2 o’clock (or later) in order to finish their paper. But, short on sleep, they can’t pay proper attention in class the next day. Sometimes they even fall asleep in class. The result is often: 1) a paper that isn’t the best quality because it was done when they were tired; 2) a wasted class period or day because they couldn’t stay focused.

Here’s a better approach: Decide what time you need to be in bed in order to get enough sleep. Pace yourself to finish the assignments before the designated bedtime. When that time arrives, go to bed, even if it’s not completed. Perhaps the assignment won’t get as high of a grade, but the next day won’t be wasted in class. Or wasted in trying to read (and falling asleep). It is likely that by enforcing this rule (with only very few exceptions), you will learn to work ahead and pace yourself so that assignments are completed on time and late nights are not required.

If there simply is no way to get all of the work done without shortchanging sleep on a regular basis, then I suggest this: take fewer units, reduce work hours, or say no to something else. Too many students waste the semester they paid so much for because they stay up late and zone out during the day.

PS After writing this, I saw the first in a series of posts by Gunner on “A Biblical Theology of Sleep.” Good timing!

0 thoughts on “Sins of the Student, Part 4

  1. geoff

    I agree wholeheartedly. This is so important that so many students fail to recognize. I found this out actually while I was at IBEX last year. Now, while still doing studies, I go to sleep early and try to never short myself on sleep because I have recognized how poorly I work and concentrate with little sleep the night before. So take heart everyone, this is SO true. This will also revolutionize your study habits and concentration in class as well :-)

  2. Happy

    I’m going to try to take this and implement it. I’ve a horrible habit of staying up late about once a week and it ruins my next two or three days.

    By the way, Todd, I went to go hear Piper speak at APU. It was very good, but they only let him speak for about 20-25 minutes. He seemed rushed at the end.


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