Up North

By | October 7, 2005

I’m in Galilee right now, with less time or ability for blogging. The first two days of the trip have gone very well: safe, fun, and profitable. In Caesarea we saw the newly excavated mansion with a huge mosaic floor. Yesterday we stopped and saw the ruins of ancient Endor, where Saul met the witch in order to bring up Samuel. Both were firsts for us. Today we’re off to Hazor, Dan, and Caesarea Philippi. More later, maybe.

0 thoughts on “Up North

  1. Ruth

    I’m so jealous, but Lord willing I will be there to see it all again in May!

  2. Rhea Burk

    I remember Hazor! and the other places, too, but that one significantly right now, as I’m working on my chronology chart/paper for OT history, & including late date/early date discussion. The trip was amazingly helpful to all that I’m still learning now. Thanks, Todd!

  3. Happy

    Hey Todd! I picked up a Baptist Bulletin (GARBC’s publication) in the back of my church (Santa Clarita Baptist Church)and skipped to the back to read the book reviews. I flipped to the second page of the reviews, and lo and behold there was Historic Views of the Holy Land! It was nice to see the review that really recommended your CDs. I’m glad that you’re getting good exposure, and that your labor of love is making it into the hands of more and more people. God bless your continued work for his Kingdom.


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