Worship What? Vocabulary Matters

By | November 13, 2005

One of my interests that might surprise those who don’t know me well is worship and worship leading. While I’ve never led worship, I do lead the chapel team each semester in thinking through what we do and why. I’m reading a book now on 6 Views on Worship, and for the last few years I have read the Worship Matters column by Bob Kauflin. Last week Bob started his own blog and he shares some good thoughts, including this one on “Expanding Our Worship Vocabulary.” I recommend it to all, worship leaders or not, to help you think more carefully about worship.

For those who don’t recognize Bob Kauflin’s name, he is director of worship development for Sovereign Grace (formerly PDI), and the producer of Upward: The Bob Kauflin Hymns Project. And once upon a time he was a singer in GLAD.

0 thoughts on “Worship What? Vocabulary Matters

  1. Geoffrey R. Kirkland

    Thanks Todd for this reminder. Bob Kauflin has a great blog. I try to read it fairly regularly as well. In fact, I shared a few of his quotes from recent blogs on his definitions of Worship with my church congregation yesterday (Bookman’s church) :-). Todd, your love, passion and fervent desire to worship God is inspiring. Continue to keep up the hard work with the chapel bands at IBEX. It is profitable for us. Thank you. Continue to do the handouts as well for discussion during the weekly meetings. Just a thought… :-)

  2. ilena madraso

    Geoff, it may seem like “meer semantics,” but its God’s (specifically, Christ’s) church…not Bookman’s or MacArthur’s or McDougall’s, etc. I think that this is a valuable thing to point out, not for the purpose of correcting you, but to get you (and any reader of this blog)to think about our mindset of how we view the Church. Is it God’s or man’s? If it is one of either of these, what implications does this bring? This is just to make you and me (and anyone else) think…what does the Bible say?

  3. Dave

    maybe I missed something here Ilena but it doesn’t seem like Geoffrey made any claim the church belonged to Bookman. it just seems like he was referring to the church that Bookman goes to. what have you become you are like an attack dog. ruff, ruff!

    hey Todd, it’s your old student Dave Herring. great to see you are blogging. how is the degree process? how about the family? pardon my teasing of Ilena, we go way back.

  4. ilena madraso

    (Todd, please pardon the comment(s) to other “commenters”)…but, I wasn’t attaching Geoff. I was merely pointing a simple truth that 4 years ago I had never thought of until I attended God’s church called Community Bible Church, where Don McDougall is the shepherd…or pastor, if it please you. He always pointed out this Biblical principal and emphasized it. So, I was simply doing the same. And, Geoff and I went to IBEX at the same time, so I think he understood I wasn’t attacking him…please forgive me if my “tone” in my writing was such. I did try hard not to sound as though I was attacking him…I just was thinking and hoping others would think through this topic as well. Thanks for pointing that out Dave…it was nice to hear from you, even if it was through a comment:)

  5. Todd Bolen

    I think the better way to go on this is to not refer to a church by any individual’s name. I realize we often do it for convenience, but I think it is too easy to have wrong thinking accompany it.

    Dave – good to hear from you. Family is doing great. What degree process?


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