Where I Was and Where I'm Going

By | November 27, 2005

I was traveling for a while but I’ve been back for some days too and I confess that it’s hard to get back into “blogging mode.” I suppose questioning the worthwhileness of it all is part of it. This blog isn’t one where I usually do long, thoughtful posts. There are other blogs for that, and I think I’d quickly give up if that was what was required. Instead, I prefer the short, interesting, and (sometimes) provocative. I suppose that blogging in part taps in for the need to say something. No one may be listening, but you don’t know that as clearly or immediately in a blog as in a conversation.

The trip to Italy and Malta went very well, and I counted dozens of specific answers to prayer. I was gone a total of 9 days, traveling by plane on 4 of those, and I took about 2400 photos. There’s certainly enough biblical and historical material in the areas where I went, and my thought was that if things went well a new volume in the Pictorial Library might be the ultimate result. I think that things went well, but because of other things “in the queue” it likely will be a year or two or more before the CD is finished.

The most amazing site: Pompeii. If I had been told, I hadn’t listened well enough. That really is the place to go to understand a Roman city. An entire Roman city. Its sister site, Herculaneum, is impressive as well. Though smaller, it was buried under more mud which preserved the site to roof level.

I had a series of posts ready to go when I left, but internet access was so limited with our crazy schedule (getting in after 11 on several nights) that I couldn’t do it. Perhaps another time. Today I thought of a new series I can do: my heroes. But not who you might guess. These would be former students of mine who have already done greater things than I probably ever will. Perhaps I will tell about one a month.

0 thoughts on “Where I Was and Where I'm Going

  1. Anonymous

    Todd, I read too. I don’t know you, and had never heard of TMC until I found this blog. But, I’m a new Christian, and love how “matter of fact” this site, and your comments are.

    In another lifetime, I would have loved to have been one of your students. (And yes, I check in every day).


  2. Anonymous

    Todd, I love reading your blog. And yes, I too check it every day. Thanks,

    Rachel Israel

  3. Ruth

    I check your blog every day too. I missed reading while you were gone, glad to have you back.



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