Completely Random

By | December 6, 2005

In order not to lose momentum, I’ve decided to post tonight. I can’t think of anything good to say, and even if I could, it would be lame compared to the depth of Gunner’s posts. But I will write something anyway, even if it is of no educational value. Maybe that is ok, sometimes.

I played soccer this afternoon. I’ve played more soccer in 2005 than since I was in 6th grade. It is great. :-)

We play on a small field with small goals and whatever ball we can find (the new one I bought for IBEX got a hole within two weeks). I am always one of the worst ones out there, but they don’t make me feel bad. One of the perks of being a teacher :-).

As of right now, I have absolutely nothing to grade. Tomorrow I will have exams to grade.

Tomorrow night there’s a group playing Risk and they have invited me. It’s been many years…

Last night I took our student life team (dorm leaders and chapel team) to a great steak restaurant. Steaks are too expensive, so we all got hamburgers. But they were good hamburgers. Medium rare, with garlic sauce. We got one large salad and shared it between 10 people.

On Saturday, Katie and Mark’s eye situation led us to seek out the doctor. A prescription was given and their eyes are doing better (from conjunctivitis). But Mark got a fever Saturday night and has been out of school since. Last night the fever hit 105 and Kelli took him to the doctor. He thinks it may be strep throat; test results aren’t back yet. The fever is about 103 tonight.

I was given a couple of books yesterday and started reading one last night. Called “The Costly Call,” it is stories about Muslims who came to faith in Christ. I plan to post some observations about these stories in a day or two when I finish.

Time to go. Company is coming and the house is not ready…

0 thoughts on “Completely Random

  1. becca boone

    sounds like a good book! i look forward to reading your comments!

  2. Anonymous

    RISK is the best…if you haven’t already played yet, here’s my advice for world domination:

    Start by controlling Australia and move through Asia. I don’t have tons of case studies, but every time I play, the person who gets Australia wins!

    I wonder if there’s any prophetic significance to that…hehe, kiddin.

  3. Slusher

    Steak Restaraunt? Our chapel and dorm leaders got pizza! What’s the deal?

    Just kidding, I enjoy reading your random thoughts even though your stories make me insanely jealous of the current IBEX students.

  4. christian burkhardt

    we got steak too! The Black Steer, right? That was awesome. Sorry Slusher, I’m sure you’re pizza was pretty good too. :)

  5. ilena

    Well, we didn’t get any pizza or steak…we got the best dinner ever…not only because of the company, but because Kelli cooked it:)


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