My Violent, Hating, Racist Tendencies

By | December 13, 2005

I got this email today from Katie Slusher, a former IBEX student and neighbor of my parents, indicting me for violent, racist or hate messages on the webpage:

Just wanted to share with you that here at The Master’s College our server protects us from going on websites that are not appropriate. Apparently, they have installed even more blocks for certain words that are questionable. So today for example, I went was looking at the ibexsemester website. Then I clicked on the “Alumni” page. However, I could not connect. A page popped up saying that the Alumni page was blocked because of “Violence/Hatred/Racism”. Todd, do you think you could take all those violent comments off your alumni page!

Now, I went and actually looked at that page (because I do not have the Iron Curtain of TMC to protect me from the world’s evils) and I realized what the problem is. The page consists almost entirely of names of IBEX alumni for whom we do not have an email address. So what must be triggering the violent/hate/racist alert is those very names. Which tells me that IBEX alumni have gone over to the dark side. I suppose that what I need to do is to remove names a few at a time and try to connect through the Curtain in order to figure out exactly which names are guilty. And then pray for them. Any guesses as to who they are?

Reminds me of the time last year when my email got bounced by TMC because the subject line “living by future grace” was deemed obscene.

0 thoughts on “My Violent, Hating, Racist Tendencies

  1. Ruth

    This is a very funny blog. I agree get rid of Seth Horner and you’re good to go. haha.


    p.s. Seth, if you read this, I’m just kidding.

  2. Todd Bolen

    Ok, by unanimous request, I took Seth off. Somebody give it a try and let me know. (Seth, I’m trying to exonerate you :-)).

  3. Slusher

    Todd….it works. Maybe Seth really was the culprit.

    I sent a request to the webmaster letting them now about the block and I am guessing they reviewed the sight and deemed it appropriate.

  4. Brian McClimans

    I hear the filters at Bob Jones are far more strict. One would think that TMC would completely unblock, given that IBEX is part of TMC.


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