Stupid Things My Students Do

By | December 13, 2005
One of my biggest regrets of the last 10 years is that I’ve never kept a list. It could win an award or something. One on the list would be the guy who brought the unexploded mortar into his dorm room. (He’s now getting his PhD from a prestigious university in Biblical Studies.) But today’s award would go to the gal who tried to bring a bullet in her backpack across the border from Egypt into Israel. Of course she “didn’t know about it.” But that didn’t make Israeli security go any easier on her. After that fiasco, you’d think she learned her lesson. But no, guess what Israeli security found in her luggage as she tried to board a plane leaving Israel? And no, it wasn’t the same bullet, because that one was taken away from her. So I’m trying to figure it out – was she just clueless? Was it an accident? Actually, I fear something more sinister. The whole time that she was here we never had any idea that she really was a foreign agent involved in clandestine activities.We might have to change the name of our school from IBEX to ISEX (Israel Smuggling EXtension).

0 thoughts on “Stupid Things My Students Do

  1. Anonymous

    You should work in the mossad oh my god you’re so smart and your students are so dumb what are you doing teaching such idiots, you’re like a thousand time smarter than all of them.


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