A Day in the Life of My…Email Inbox

By | December 14, 2005

I have guard duty tonight but wanted to do something for the blog before I go. A number of ideas in the “cooker” will just take too long. So how about this: a look into my email inbox. I’ll just mention a few of the many emails that I have received in the last 24 hours. Of course I have many dozens of others from the last 5 months that I need to respond to. By choosing just one day, you might get a better idea of my life (and why I haven’t responded to you in so long).

  • A response to yesterday’s blog with a suggestion of who is violent/hating/racist. (apparently we are “unblocked” now)
  • A request for an extra IBEX T-shirt from this semester to be made. (fat chance)
  • A student here this last semester wondering why I didn’t tell them about the newly discovered Pool of Siloam. (uhh…)
  • A couple of responses to my private queries about buying a videocamera. (helpful)
  • A suggestion from an OT prof to photograph a single place in the wilderness in the various seasons of the year. (great idea; if only there were 57 hours in a day…)
  • A query about using some photos in a video.
  • A friend suggesting we visit Mizpah on Friday morning. (isn’t it supposed to rain?)

That’s it. I suppose it would be more interesting if I chose a different day or a larger period of time.

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