The Bible vs. the Book of Mormon

By | January 31, 2006

Few people know that I started my scholarly life researching the Mormon faith. I was about 8 years old and many of the kids on my block went to the Mormon church. I read a lot and I studied a lot and when opportunities arose, we talked. That continued in my college years as I worked alongside BYU grad students in my summer job. There are Mormons in Israel, but we don’t have much contact, especially as their school on the Mount of Olives has been closed for the last 5 years. When a film crew showed up a year ago asking me questions about the geography of Israel, I didn’t really expect anything to come of it. Thus I was pleasantly surprised to recently watch their outstanding video on the historicity of the Book of Mormon vs. the Bible.

The video makes a very clear and powerful point that the Book of Mormon is not based on any historical realities. There is not a single ancient document, city, coin, or weapon that can be connected to the Book of Mormon. By contrast, difficulties in identification of a site or object in the Bible are the exception and not the rule. You can state these facts, but the video makes the point much more powerfully using images and interviews. They interview various New World archaeologists and anthropologists (including Mormons), as well as some archaeologists in Israel including Gabriel Barkay. And they did a good job. Often in works like these (done by those in the U.S.), I find numerous errors. I noted only one (the orientation of an inscription). And I really liked the guys they interviewed from Aberdeen and Oxford.

You can watch the video online for free, but there’s something to be said for the DVD version ($20, or get 10 for $40). I of course don’t get anything from it (and they didn’t even give credit for my photos); I recommend it because I was impressed. This certainly isn’t the only important issue in talking with those of the Mormon faith, but it is a central one.

I’ll add that often when I tell my students that I believe the Bible because there is evidence to support it (and conversely that if there isn’t evidence, I won’t believe it), I get some strenuous objections. It’s all about faith, I’m told. This video is one clear demonstration of why they are wrong and I am right.

0 thoughts on “The Bible vs. the Book of Mormon

  1. Kate Joslin

    Great Video. I learned a lot. Everyone should take and hour out of their day to watch it. Good job Todd, I felt like I was sitting in Land and Bible again!

  2. Scott Johnson

    Thanks, Todd, for your recommendation of the video! As the producer I need to apologize for failing to give due credit–it was an unfortunate oversight, and one that will be corrected in future runs of the video. We are very grateful for all of your valuable contributions to this project!


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