One of Those Days…

By | March 11, 2006

Today was one. There aren’t very many. I think there were more in previous decades and centuries, judging from their photographs. I can only remember a few. Jan 7, 2003, in an airplane. Apr that same year, in Galilee. And the next month, in Corinth.

The day didn’t start that way. I slept poorly because I was afraid that I’d oversleep and miss my 5 am bus to Kavalla. I made the bus, but it was raining the whole time. It stayed gray and rainy until 10, at times pouring. There was no sign of a let-up. I made plans to visit the museum and then spend the day doing research in the hotel room.

While at the museum, suddenly there was blue sky and sun. Just as quickly, I realized how lame that museum really was. I checked a couple of car rental agencies and soon was on my way.

To Philippi.

It was glorious. Clear air, beautiful blue skies, and yes, poofy white clouds.

I burned through both batteries and all the memory cards I had brought along (3.5 GB).

Somebody is praying for me. Of all the sites on this 11 day trip, this was the one most important for photos. God is ever gracious.

0 thoughts on “One of Those Days…

  1. Gunner

    Todd – I forgot where you ARE right now! Tell Mark and Joe hi for me. And enjoy your time there. I’d imagine you’ve been a few times before. I don’t know if this time will be different, but I’m sure you’re excited either way.

  2. Slusher

    TODD- I had no idea you were going to GREECE!! I started reading your blog and stopped when I got to Kavala. I suddenly realized where you were. Although I have only been there once, I fondly remember Philippi, Kavala and the rest of Greece. It was freezing the day we visited Philippi and the second we got into the car to leave it started pouring. Glad the Lord is sovereign over all things.

  3. becca boone

    todd – so glad that you caught some great pictures! like slush, i remember that day at philippi was really cold and gray, but we still had a great time. try to stop by crete if you can! : )

  4. geoffrey.kirkland

    Be sure to climb over the ropes at the ancient sites and just wait… the whistlers will come after you and whistle to their heart’s content! :-) (Trust me, You’ll know what I am talking about…right Katie and Becca?)
    Have a great time in Greece, Todd. We sure did last year when we were there on Travel study!

  5. Marisa

    It was chilly and cloudy the day we visited Philippi, but we still enjoyed it. I can’t imagine what it would have been like if there had been poofy clouds and glorious sunlight! I praise God along with you for the blessing of seeing the site in such favorable circumstances!


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