Hero of the Month: March 2006

By | March 12, 2006

Some months ago I had the idea to post a short note here about some people who have greatly impressed me. These are individuals that aren’t (and will never be) in the news, but are the types of people that I want my kids to grow up to be.

Josh Watson has been teaching the Bible to children and adults in India for more than six years now. This he does in the most humble of circumstances. And in the humblest of ways. The sacrifices that Josh has made to teach those who otherwise would not hear are too many to mention. And Josh would prefer that they not be reported. He teaches a variety of Bible classes to children of all ages, and he also teaches adults in various Bible studies and church settings. He does this daily, faithfully, without earthly praise, and at great cost.

The last five or six months though have been very difficult for Josh. Some external situations have mingled with internal realities to create a time harder than he has known before. God can change this, but so far he hasn’t. I want to ask you to pray that God would change this. That Josh would feel God’s hand upon him. That he would trust Him when he doesn’t. I have asked Josh if I could seek prayer on his behalf, and so I ask you to pray. Or, if you’d like to offer encouragement, do so here and I’ll make sure he gets it. Thank you.

2 Cor 1:10-11 “He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.”

0 thoughts on “Hero of the Month: March 2006

  1. cynthia

    It is an honor to pray for Josh Watson and my mom and I have committed to pray for him daily.

  2. G.M. Grena

    Count me in! Always glad to be of encouragement to a friend of a friend…

    “Who is among you that feareth the LORD, that obeyeth the voice of his servant, that walketh in darkness, and hath no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD, and stay upon his God.”–Isaiah 50:10

    11 March 2006 translation–“Don’t doubt in the dark what you learned in the Light.”

  3. Dallas Lange

    Hey Todd, thanks for the update on Josh. Glad to hear he’s still reaching the ends of the earth.
    Josh, thanks for your example of humility and service. May God continue to remind you of His call on your life during times of struggle. There’s a picture in my hallway of you with some other guys and we’re all covered in dead sea mud. When I walk past it I will remember to pray for you. I will be in prayer that God will open doors for you and the gospel. Love you man, hang in there.

  4. Gunner

    Todd: Thanks for sharing this. I was a freshman when Josh was a senior. I first met him through intramurals. He was an amazing athlete, and as humble as they come (not athletes; people). We slowly built a friendship which has left an eternal impression on me (that’s no exaggeration).

    He was leading a summer trip to India and he asked me to be his prayer partner. I know now that this was very purposeful on his part, and it had nothing to do with me being a good prayer partner. We got together on Saturday mornings and went and prayed in King Hall. He always had two copies of a Spurgeon sermon for us to read together before we prayed. I’ve heard that the RD of our dorm said that “Josh Watson prays more than any person I know.” This was during his senior year when he was taking 20 units, directing the intramural sports program, and leading a short-term summer missions team.

    He invited me to go on his India team with him, and I almost did. I was just talking to Cindi on the phone a few minutes ago and I told her that I wish I had gone. I didn’t, though. But he went, stayed for five weeks, and then stayed for the next six years (and he’s still there, as you mentioned) – by himself, faithfully teaching the Bible to every age group, without sensationalism or fanfare or many friends.

    I honestly don’t know if I can think of someone under 40 who I’d rather have disciple me.

    Perhaps the closing tagline on his emails sums up his life the best. He always signs off:

    “Christ is All,


  5. Emily Luehrmann

    Thanks for giving us this opportunity to be intimately involved in the sufferings of our brother through taking Josh before the throne of grace for help in his time of need. How amazing to have people all over the world coming to the Father…knowing that He hears all our prayers and will respond!

    I have no idea what you’re going through, Josh. But knowing my own struggles with my flesh and raging thoughts…here’s a word of encouragement from a British saint of the 19th century, William Hake. One of his proverbs goes, “When considering your faults and inclined to dejection concerning them, don’t talk with yourself-don’t keep bad company. Talk with the Lord.”

  6. emily

    josh, having just visited india for the first time in dec/jan, i am extremely thankful for anyone who would be willing to live in that country. i had always wanted to go but wasn’t prepared at all… the people were so open, it was incredible. however, it was one of the hardest experiences of my life. so i just want to say two things: thank you, thank you, thank you, for living there and ministering to those people. and also, here’s a verse that was once again brought to my attention yesterday: “do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (phil. 4:6,7) i’m praying for you.

  7. Jason Whitley


    Thanks for the encouraging thoughts on Josh. We went to Ethiopia together in ’98. During our trip I was constantly amazed at his presistent prayer life and daily dedication to reading the word. I was zealous one morning and decided to wake up real early to pray and read the word – assuming everyone else was asleep. And sure enough, Josh was already out in the garden on his knees. I will never forget that image. He always reminded me of the great importance of daily communing with the Lord.
    Lets keep praying for our brother!


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