Atop Mars Hill

By | March 21, 2006

If you knew that I was in Greece, you’d probably guess that the above photo recalls Paul’s speech to the philosophers at Mars Hill in Athens (for another photo of the hill itself, see my other blog). Those who come from the best college in the world are probably jealous to realize who I got to spend the week with. In fact, though I saw numerous biblical sites and took about 3,000 photos, I’d say my favorite part of the week was getting to know these guys better. Two are VPs, one is department chair and the other Dean of Students. That makes me several notches below any of them. But they were still nice to me. Even more than nice. Gracious, humble, and helpful. There’s much that I would like to say about the trip, but time is too short. I’ll try to do another post before I leave the country again (not until Thursday).

0 thoughts on “Atop Mars Hill

  1. Brian

    You can’t beat a trip like that. Tatlock, Halstead, Hughes, etc. on a field study through Greece. Only MacArthur could make the trip more complete.

  2. Jodi D.

    That’s so awesome that you got to go on that. Honestly, I was more jealous of THEM getting to spend a week with one of our favorite experts of the History of Ancient Israel and the Lands of the Bible. VPs… Dean of Students… It’s all relative. =)

  3. Gunner

    Todd – Joe was back with us (guy RD’s) today and he said he thoroughly enjoyed his time with you and the guys. Welcome back.

    By the way, what’s it like for you to be on a tour and not be the main teacher? I know you’ve done it a lot, but I’d imagine it’s pretty enjoyable each time since it’s a break from the norm.

  4. Brian

    Who is the guy in the red coat? I recognize everyone else in the group.

  5. Anonymous

    Todd, I too, thought exactly what Jodi did. :) I was envious that they got to spend all that time with you but I’m sure it was amazing and refreshing for you. Greece looks beautiful. The Lord protect and sustain you as you head out again soon!
    Ashley Ryan

  6. Todd Bolen

    Brian – the guy in red was our tour guide, Costas. One of only three believing tour guides in the country. You can pray for him as he has a tough life.

    Gunner – in my experiences of that, I almost never enjoy it.


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