I’ve often said that despite the news hype, I’ve never seen or heard a gun shot in Israel. That all changed on Saturday…

For those who can’t tell, the game is paintball.
The guy in the back is married to my wife.
I should add that I really am very busy, and only went to fulfill the obligations of my job.
I bet you believe that.
I love it. Thinking about adding a course to the IBEX campus?
Todd, that is awesome! Wish I had done a little paintballing in Israel.
I guess that’s just one of the perks of having the second best job in America . . . or Israel.
It’s a good thing you changed your strategy to incorporate hiding behind large objects. JZ
Be careful, the IDF is watching for future prospects!
Glad you were on my team out there, I’m sure those shooting AT you had their paper grades lowered by 5 percent. Say Happy birthday to Katie….