Another Cheap Bible Software Package

By | June 11, 2006

If you have more than $30 to spend on a starter Bible program, here’s a better deal. For $100, you get a lot of the basic Bible study books in the eBible Platinum Special. There’s a full list here, but note that it includes the Bible in Hebrew and Greek, main English translations (NKJV, NLT, NRSV) , MacArthur Study Bible and Handbook, Josephus, some basic maps, and more. You can compare this with the new Logos version 3 Bible Study Library for $200, which does not include the Hebrew, Greek, Josephus, etc.

It’s normally $300. To get it for $100, use the weloveplatinum discount code.

0 thoughts on “Another Cheap Bible Software Package

  1. Todd Bolen

    Ryan – both of these are revisions of the RSV. The ESV team was more theologically conservative than the NRSV. Largely because the RSV translated Isaiah 7:14 as “young woman” and not “virgin,” conservatives rejected the RSV and the NASB was later born. The NRSV follows with the same bent as the RSV (“young woman”). The ESV seems to be primarily an attempt to replace the NASB, but using the RSV as its starting point (the NASB owners are notoriously impossible to work with). But the ESV adjusts some things, and Isaiah 7:14 is “virgin.”


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