More on Hezbollah War

By | July 21, 2006

So I confess that I haven’t watched a minute of the Hezbollah Annihilation campaign on TV. Not on principle, but for other reasons. If you are watching it all unfold, these links may not be as interesting to you as to me.

1. The Washington Post has some 360 degree panorama shots, including one of a flattened Hezbollah neighborhood in south Beirut.

2. The Israel Channel 2 news broadcast is now on the internet, dubbed over in English by some guys at

3. I liked this Washington Post analysis of why George Bush isn’t screaming for a ceasefire like so many others. He gets it. Hezbollah must be really disappointed that Al Gore or John Kerry is not president.

4. I’ve mentioned him before, but Daniel Pipes usually has some sensible commentary. The easiest way to keep up with him is to subscribe to his newsletter.

0 thoughts on “More on Hezbollah War

  1. Gunner

    Todd – Check on the status of your Th.M. thesis at the TMS Library. Someone’s using it!

    Ok, actually it’s me. I’m doing a paper on Jonah. Your thesis is helpful, and it’s been nice to have an excuse to check out your work. I’d give you a B+. Just kidding.


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