A War Without Sides

By | July 31, 2006

The problem with the current Israel-Lebanon war is that the world is unwilling to recognize that there are good guys and there are bad guys. There are friends and foes, allies and enemies. It’s hard to defeat the enemy when you are weeping for him. But there is an enemy, and he must be defeated before he can be rebuilt.

The other side seems to understand this better than us. You don’t see the Lebanese weeping when innocent Israelis are killed by Hezbollah rockets. But when innocent Lebanese are killed by Israeli aircraft, the world screams. I’m certainly not for killing innocent people, but if the choice is defeating the enemy and killing innocent OR not defeating the enemy, the choice is clear. Unfortunately the choice is not clear to much of the world, including European leaders and some evangelical voices. But those who scream for a ceasefire are careful to never define the situation. As far as they are concerned, there are no enemies. Or the enemy is rather the one who kills, regardless of who is evil.

History should be our guide. Unfortunately the voices of “peace” are those who would spare the evil, allow the evil to grow, one day to be destroyed by the evil. European leaders deny that there is an evil. Or worse, they have inverted good and evil. Good has become the ones that you need something from (like oil), instead of those who are responsible, moral people.

Netanyahu provided a good example of the realities of war in an interview with a British station yesterday:

This is as just a war as any that has ever been fought – but I can recall another just war, World War II, when Britain’s Royal Air Force went to bomb the Gestapo headquarters in Copenhagen, but the bombers missed and hit a children’s hospital nearby, killing 83 Danish children inside. This is a tragedy of war, but it happens. Unlike the other side, which rejoices when our children are killed, we are truly sorry when it happens, and we really and truly try to reduce casualties on the other side.

Accidents do not change the necessity of stopping the evil. Hezbollah and those who have allied themselves with Hezbollah must be stopped. The goal is not ceasefire but elimination.

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