FoolishBlog notes a billionaire who flies his sons’ basketball teams around the country in luxury airplanes, puts them up in fancy hotels, and bankrolls a large staff for the team. Far be it from me to comment on any long-lasting (not to speak of eternal) value in this. But it does spark an idea in my head.
Imagine if IBEX had a billionaire. For a mere $300,000, he could fund half-tuition scholarships for 40 students to travel and study for 15 weeks around the Holy Land. We’d charter ordinary buses and stay in average accommodations and no one would complain. We’d be willing to forego a general manager and a trainer-nutrionist. Lives would be changed; the things learned in that semester would not evaporate with puberty. Any IBEX alumni billionaires willing to step up? :-)
More seriously, perhaps there are some IBEX alum out there who want to contribute to IBEX scholarships. Maybe you don’t have much money and don’t think it will go real far, but in my personal experience, there’s something about giving to what you believe in, regardless of amount. Maybe it’s only 5 bucks. God can use the money perhaps better than you realize. And it says something about your own priorities and things you’re thankful for.
And for those of you tempted to comment about how could I dare suggest such a thing while you’re still paying off loans, yes, I’m talking to you. If loans keep you from giving, you’re a poorer person for it.
I did a few calculations and it seems to me that there have been about 900 Ibex students over the last 12 years. Most of us students would say that it was the best semester of our lives. Just think if 15% of those students could give 600 a year (50 bucks a month) that would be 81K a year. As you mentioned many of us work for a church (as I do) and have school loans, but common 50 bucks a month that is tax deductable we could do that and not even notice it.
For the record I just sent an email to my wife to see if I can get the funds “approved” for us to start sending 50 a month.
With the impact IBEX made on most of our lives there is no reason why it should not be the best funded alumni program at TMC.
On a related note, the TMC alumni program needs much improvement in soliciting support. I’d love to support both IBEX and the summer missions programs. I’ve been out of TMC for a few years and until now, no one has asked.
Both these programs could benefit from a simple webpage allowing donations via paypal or CC.
Update: I found this page…
But it only accepts donations of fixed sizes, the lowest donation accepted is $50, and there’s no way to designate IBEX or Summer Missions.
You are very true on alumni donations, I am good friends with someone on the board at BIOLA and their alumni giving blows ours away. I dont’ think students/alumni realize how much it costs to run a place like TMC.
I will try to get a hold of someone at Masters this week to see if there is a way we can make payments for IBEX through a CC. As that would be much easier.
I think having an IBEX giving campaign wouldn’t be something out of the ordinary. Though, as someone who has worked with TMC’s alumni community in the past many resent giving money to the college. I give when I can and wish those “billionaires” would be willing to give much more than they do.
Todd, I suggest you speak with Stacey Harris. I’m sure she might be willing to spearhead something like this. I would be more than willing to help put together some written materials and what not to help the effort. Perhaps we can start giving IBEX some space in the Current or perhaps IBEX can have its own version of the Current. I’m willing to help with this, with the writing, pagination, etc.
Amy (Godwin) Gilmore called my attention to this blog. I want to announce that there IS a fund to help students attend IBEX. It now is at about $12,000 and has been funded almost totally by one person in my Sojourners Class at GCC who I brought to Israel on an IBEX related trip in 2000.
Just today I am considering a $2000 scholarship to be given to a needy student who would not be able to go otherwise. I also am consdering a need for a $3000 scholarship for another international student.
IBEX alumni can give NOW to that same fund, and with a tax deductible receipt as well! We ned to keep our eyes open for the more well-heeled possible donors, but all of us can also start giving NOW to help someone else experience what could be the greatest semester in their college experience.
Todd, thanks so much for this post. While I really enjoy reading your posts in general, this one is super personally relevant since I am planning on returning in Spring. Due to the lack of financial aid available to me (my situation is not common) I am going to be composing a letter to mail out to a list of people that I know to see if they would be willing to support my education financially (and without a tax-deduction). I am really grateful for your encouragment to past IBEX students to donate towards the future and I am equally grateful to hear from Dr. V that there is a fund to help IBEX students.
Dr. Varner … that is awesome. Please have Stacey put that bit into the next alumni bulletin and make sure someone gets that into the college newsletter. It’s very important.
And, as I said, I would be very interested in spearheading an IBEX Alumni association and creating a newsletter geared towards alumni.
This thing went a little way other than intended. I wasn’t looking to start a fund (I wouldn’t have suggested you give to it if it didn’t exist), or to start an alumni association (I’ve been building that for 10 years). I was just making the informal suggestion that some of my readers might think about giving. I agree that a credit card online form would make it easier, but don’t hold your breath. If you’re interested, write a check and label it accordingly. And Paul, I like your thinking, but it would be so much better to have 85% giving $5 a month. In my way of thinking.
I know how to setup a system through PayPal where people can have the $5/month debited automatically and than have it go straight into an account setup specifically or IBEX.
I think the problem is that other than (which hasn’t always been around), your occasional alumni e-mail, this page, and some occasional stuff from Stacey at TMC, most of us are out of the loop about what is happening at IBEX. Honestly, most of us are out of the loop on what is happening at the college itself many times.
I realize you’ve been doing the alumni association stuff, which is great, but was just suggesting something a bit more official. I still think that the rest of TMC’s alumni also would like to be more informed about the program.
Brian – during the semester, we update the ibexsemester page about twice a week. Don’t say we aren’t trying!