Lesson Learned?

By | August 28, 2006

There are various opinions on whether Israel, Lebanon, or Hezbollah won the war, but surely this statement yesterday by Sheik Hassan Nasrallah should be factored in:

He said Hezbollah had not expected even “1 percent” of Israel’s response to its July 12 cross-border raid, which provoked the conflict. “If I had known that the operation to capture the soldiers would lead to this result, we would not have carried it out,” Reuters quoted him as saying.

I’m thankful that the two Fox News reporters were freed.   Keep praying for the three Israeli soldiers still held hostage: Gilad Shalit, Ehud Goldwasser, and Eldad Regev.

0 thoughts on “Lesson Learned?

  1. Nate

    That is a minor victory for Israel. Hezbollah scored a victory in that it stalemated Israel in combat.

    Do you think a UN peacekeeping force will actually help? Or will the pressence of a multinational force (partially Islamic nations) in S Lebanon actually provide a multinational human shield for Hezbollah to fire its missiles from? Will it be able to prevent HB from pestering Israel, or will it simply prevent Israel from retaliating effectively?

    What do you think of the reporters conversion to Islam? Are they now muslims?

  2. Brian McClimans

    I don’t buy Nasrallah’s statement, but perhaps he does realize that any action against Israel is going to be met with a swift response.

    As to the reporters, I don’t think they really converted. It was probably just to cover, to save themselves for a few days. Than again, they are reporters and they can be an odd bunch. ;)

  3. Todd Bolen

    Nate – about the UN, the Israeli government seems to think that the UN presence is a victory. I want to be optimistic. As for the conversion, in God’s eyes, is there such a thing as Muslims or are there fewer categories?


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