Welcome Back

By | August 30, 2006

I just thought I’d say a big “welcome back” to my readers who only read this blog when class is in session. If you’re guilty, just go ahead…click that red little X at the top right corner of this screen, vow never again to read blogs or to IM during class and instead make use of that $38 you’re paying for each class hour!

Goodbye! :-)

For the other two readers of this blog, I’ve been camping and don’t have time to do a real post today. Sorry.

0 thoughts on “Welcome Back

  1. Gunner

    I’m currently posting this comment from a seminary class with Paul Felix. It’s during the break, though. :) I’ll make sure to click on the X before the break is over.

  2. daniel portela

    Does reading your blog at my work also mean I have to click the red X?

  3. dfrese

    What if I’m in the library and I’m supposed to be getting work done – is it okay to read?

  4. Pingback: Surfing in Class » Todd’s Thoughts

  5. Angie (The IBEX Scribe)

    I’m reading this at home, only because I did not enroll in grad school this semester and am unemployed. Am I allowed?


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