Holy Land Photo Quiz

By | October 14, 2006

When you’re busy doing other things, you start doing silly little photo quizzes on your blog. So here goes…

Where was this photo taken? Click on the photo to see a large version before you try to guess.


a. Next to a basketball court in Jerusalem

b. At a cemetery on Mount Zion

c. At a tourist stop in Bethlehem

d. At a convent on the Mount of Olives

0 thoughts on “Holy Land Photo Quiz

  1. cynthia

    Well, since the photo label is “two mens bathrooms at convent on hill of offense” – I choose ‘D’. =)

  2. Todd Bolen

    I see that my former students are smart! Hint to all future commenters: talk about how bizarre it is that a convent would have not one, but two, men’s bathrooms. (If you don’t know what a convent is, this may not strike you as strange.)

  3. Rachel Israel

    Tood, I was going to guess “D” as well. I noticed the humor and italics. Besides, you would pick the most unusual picture to post anyway. Hope you’re having a great week!

  4. Al Sandalow

    Perhaps it ‘s not that odd. In a convent that doesn ‘t allow men inside, they would need to have men ‘s bathrooms outside. Perhaps the facilities for the women are inside the main building.

    I can ‘t figure out where this is. I have a hard time figuring out where the “Hill of Evil Counsel” starts and the “Mount of Olives” leaves off, but all the convents I could find were not south enough for that designation.

  5. Todd Bolen

    The bathrooms are inside the convent complex, but are apparently related to a guest house they have there. The “hill of offense” is the southern end of the Mount of Olives, directly east of the City of David. This convent is smack on the top of this hill. They have a great view of Jerusalem from the southeast. The “hill of evil counsel” is different than the “hill of offense” and has been associated with a couple hills south of Jerusalem.

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