Both Directions

By | November 18, 2006

Our two sons each live two lives. By day, they study in Israeli schools and speak, read, and write only Hebrew. By night, they live at home where only English is spoken, read, and written. They’ve been doing this for a couple of years now, and both are in second grade. Mark turns 7 tomorrow and tonight he read the first chapter of Genesis in both Hebrew and English. We videotaped some of it and I’m posting the first minute of each, for your inspiration.

Hebrew (or right click, save to your computer, then open)

English (or right click, save to your computer, then open)

0 thoughts on “Both Directions

  1. Ryan

    Such fortunate kids! I’m sure they’ll grow up to have a great understanding of the Bible!

    Happy Birthday to Mark, wish I was there to eat some cake with you guys.

  2. Staci Joy

    Todd, it’s incredible to see how much the kids have grown up. Mark is reading in Hebrew! I remember him as a naughty two year old who I had to help discipline! How I wish I could spend some time with you guys! Always, I’m hoping to return. Perhaps this summer, who knows? Please give my love to Kelly — does she have a personal blog? Probably not much time for it if she does, but I’d love to be a reader! Good to find you again — thanks for the alumni update!


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