0 thoughts on “Like You've Never Heard It

  1. G.M. Grena

    That makes 2 of us, Todd! I’d love to be able to memorize long passages & enunciate them like that with such passion. Wow! I feel like I just saw Paul on Mars’ Hill! “Men of Athens! I perceive…”

  2. Anonymous

    It always amazes me when someone can recite long passages from the Bible. While at IBEX you helped me understand that in a much deeper way. You carried around Ephesians in your back pocket and you told us that you were memorizing it. I would have full confidence that you, being a teacher, could recite what ever book you have memorized with much passion and fervor. Just give it a little practice, and maybe make that one of your final presentations on a last field trip next semester. I know that if I were a student that would make a lasting impact in my life.

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