Do you care?

By | November 28, 2006

I need to be grading papers, so instead of something substantive from me, I suggest you read Michael Kinsley’s article, “Like I Care.” This is especially relevant for those who have blogs, myspace accounts, facebook pages, and such.

After I finish grading papers, I’ll be getting a glass of cold water.

0 thoughts on “Do you care?

  1. Ryan

    9:32am PST: Todd, I’m leaving a comment about this article

    Shortly hereafter I will be going to brush my teeth.

    I’ll let you know how it goes…

    …or not.

  2. Julie

    Todd, did you get the glass of water? Was it cold enough? Was it in a mug, Qumranite glass, or ? Are you going to post a picture?

    Seriously, thanks for the great link, and for giving others a cup of cold water as you live life and blog about (some of) it.

  3. Gunner

    I think we (or subsequent generations) will look back on some aspects of the computer age and be astonished at how ridiculous many of our pursuits and interests were — and how blatantly narcissistic. Maybe I’ll be embarrassed about having a blog myself… who knows. For now I think we just have to strive for good and others-centered motivations, more personal interaction with people than online interaction, and wisdom in how much time we spend in front of screens. I think articles like Kinsley’s are good reminders to all of us. Just because the internet is big doesn’t mean our little space on it is big.


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