Your Christmas List

By | December 4, 2006

Here are some ideas either for you to give or to ask for :-)

Valley of Vision – you can get the nice leather bound edition, the excellent audio CD version, or the new Sovereign Grace CD which is based on these Puritan prayers.

Archaeological Study Bible. I’ve talked about this before here and here. The second printing, with corrections, is now out, I believe.

The NET Bible. It’s not just the 60,000 notes which make it the best study Bible ever created, but it’s the stunning color satellite maps at the back. Also available in Libronix format. Or they just announced a package – get the regular NET Bible, the new “Reader’s Edition,” and the NET Bible Companion CD all for $50, using coupon #06RE2 on this page.

A gift subscription to Biblical Archaeology Review (only $10) or Bible and Spade.

Above Israel DVDs. This four-disk set features beautiful helicopter footage of the major sites of Israel. You can get it directly from the publisher here, or BiblePlaces now has it for less money. If you’re looking for a less expensive option, get the “The Bible and the Land” DVD – one disk with the highlights.

Those who want to go further in their studies of Israel and the Bible will like The Sacred Bridge, by Anson Rainey and Steven Notley, and the long-awaited book about the Jerusalem Temple and Temple Mount by Leen Ritmeyer, The Quest. Both are expensive, but these two books exemplify to me the adage that you get what you pay for.

For good worship music, I recommend these two albums from Sovereign Grace: Worship God Live and Awesome God.   Unfortunately I haven’t yet heard the new Christmas album, Savior: Celebrating the Mystery of God Become Man, so I can’t recommend it personally.

Whatever you give or get, may it point you to the great Giver this Christmas.

0 thoughts on “Your Christmas List

  1. Al Sandalow

    Archaeological Study Bible….
    I just bought one of these. I can’t tell which printing it is. Give me an example of an error and I’ll see if it still there.

    I did notice that the Bible is printed in China. How ironic: instead of us smuggling Bibles into China, they are printing Bibles for us.

  2. Ryan

    Todd, my brother is currently serving as a medic in Fallujah, Iraq. He is a believer and has asked me to find a book that deals with the ancient history of that area, especially as it relates to the Bible. Can you recommend anything? Something that’s not too scholarly would be ideal. Thanks for the great gift ideas.

  3. Todd Bolen

    Al – look at page 101 and see if the photo of the Rosetta Stone is upside down.

    Ryan – I haven’t read it, but from what I know of the author, I would recommend Charles Dyer, Rise of Babylon. The packaging may look sensationalistic, but Dyer is a good Bible scholar. Amazon has the look-inside feature so you can check it out.

  4. Al Sandalow

    >>Al – look at page 101 and see if the photo of the Rosetta Stone is upside down.

    Yup! Upside down. Dang.

    However, it seems if you read it backwards and upside down, it reads “Pharaoh is dead…Pharaoh is dead”.

  5. Bo Lotinsky


    Thank you for the great endorsement for our music. I’d be happy to send you “Savior.” Just email me if it’s not too late with your address.

  6. David

    Thanks for the ideas. My wonderful wife passed these ideas along to family, and I ended up with the Archaeological Study Bible, The Sacred Bridge and BAR.


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