Grace to You Podcast Archive

By | December 13, 2006

If you’re looking for good sermons to listen to over the Christmas break, you can always subscribe to podcasts like Grace to You (John MacArthur) and Desiring God (John Piper). Travis Carden has recently compiled a list MacArthur sermons from the podcast from the last year, with links to the mp3 files and transcripts. The advantage of an archive over a podcast is that you can choose what you want to listen to. There are some great titles there.

You know what I’d love to see next? A complete online archive of TMC chapel messages, back to 1985, all for free.   UPDATE: See this post!

0 thoughts on “Grace to You Podcast Archive

  1. Heidi Wilkinson

    Hi Todd! I was wondering if I could get the article about the guy from Compassion that you referred to a while back. I recently had the opportunity to visit my family’s compassion child in India and had a great experience, but then was sad to hear about all that happened with that guy. Thanks so much. Have a great Christmas! Feel free to send students to India for travel study next semester!

  2. Ilena

    I bet your messages would get the most hits, or subscriptions, or whatever they call it (since I’ve never yet used, purchased, etc. a podcast). I feel really dumb now…I don’t even know the right terminology to use.


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