
By | December 29, 2006

Israel got some snow Wednesday night.  It wasn’t much where I live, but today (2 days after the snowfall), it was still sticking pretty well in the Hebron hills.

Today I went to two biblical sites I had never been to.  There’s always something more to do.

0 thoughts on “Snow

  1. josh

    i’m snowed in in colorado springs. but i would much rather see snow in Israel.

  2. Bob Drouhard

    We almost had snow when I was there (Winter ’01). They warmed up the snowplows and everything, but alas, no blanket of white wonder…

  3. G.M. Grena

    I heard on the news that it snowed everywhere in Israel except for Bethlehem. The shepherds tending their flocks had built a huge bonfire in the fields or somethin’. Did you happen to get a picture of it?

  4. Todd Bolen

    G.M. – it did not snow in many places in Israel, but it did snow in Bethlehem. I did not take any photos of shepherds in Bethlehem. Sorry to disappoint.


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