A photo

By | January 14, 2007

Last month we sent out a Christmas letter with a family photo.  If you didn’t get that and want to see one, here’s a medium-size version.  Or if you want to print it in poster size and hang it on your bathroom door, here’s the way big size.

If you want to receive a Christmas letter from us next year, you can email us with your address.  We haven’t done a good job at adding people in the last couple of years.  We are not like those going on the missions field who send out letters to everyone they’ve had at least a five-minute conversation with sometime in the last 27 years.  But if you want one and we like you, we’ll send you one.  Next year.

Blogging may be lighter this week.  This month.  This semester.  As before, I will be the master of my blog and not allow the blog to be the master of me.  So if that means 5 posts a week or 2 posts a month, that’s what it will be.  Thanks for understanding.

0 thoughts on “A photo

  1. Rachel israel

    I enjoy the info too, Todd. What a great picture. Your family is sure growing up fast. I’m already praying for this semester. Wish I could be there!

  2. Jodi Dyck

    Ha ha. Right on about the missionary bit. That is such a true and funny statement… (speaking from a little experience). Hope all is going well for you with the new students. I’ll miss hearing from your blog as much this semester, but Lord willing I’ll get to hear a little from you in person in a few months. =) Take care.

  3. Jamie Gunthorp

    Aww the sweet bolen family!!! I’m so excited that kelly put a copy of this pic in notes for the girls in her prayer group before we left :) I hope you all are doing well and are enjoy life in Israel!


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