For Your Next Airplane Trip

By | February 23, 2007

I’ve been busy, with several days of “excavating” in the City of David and then several days up north on a “get-away” with Kelli.  Now I have a stack of midterms to grade.  But here’s something for you the next time you’re sitting next to someone on an airplane who is annoying you.  Just turn on your computer, go to this site, and with your head turned upward, close your eyes.

0 thoughts on “For Your Next Airplane Trip

  1. Jennifer Duncan

    That’s pretty cool. :) I would add a disclaimer: “ is not responsible for any harm, physical or financial, inflicted upon the User of this Site by civil or military law enforcement for infraction of any and all established regulations.”

  2. Sherrie Johnson

    Hahaha! That’s hilarious, Todd. Thanks for providing a great laugh – not to mention future entertainment ;-D


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