Starbucks Follow-Up

By | May 13, 2007

I’m about to disappear for a few weeks while I teach a short-term program, but before I go, I thought a brief follow-up to the previous post might be beneficial.   I simply want to re-state my main point, and to elevate two helpful comments so that those who don’t read the comments will benefit from them.

Main Point: Working at Starbucks, as a waiter, etc., may certainly be a good learning experience, but after a while, you hit the point of diminishing returns and you should move on (or don’t go back).   Unless Starbucks itself is the goal.

Comment #1 (Sam Neylan):   May I suggest to your reader’s who will take your advice to read and do what’s offered in the book ‘What Color Is Your Parachute?’. it is an invaluable book that helps you evaluate yourself, your gifts, your purpose on earth, what you’ve learned about you and past employment scenarios, etc and tranforms you from a desperate job beggar to a confident work offerer. It’s not a magic pill, you have to do hard work (I photocopied the exercises and did them all! They were awesome). The premise of the book is ‘God created you to accomplish something on this earth-go figure out what it is (or what will get you there) and go do it ‘.   I think it’s one of the only helpful books out there…and it’s been on the business best seller for the last 30+ years…DO IT!   [Ed. note: I found 700 used copies for sale here.]

Comment #2 (Eric Zeller): A good followup post would apply the same thinking to church ministry… Don’t just sit through church all summer because you don’t think there is any ministry you can do before going back in the fall. Set up a meeting with your pastor the first day you are in town and say “I am here for three months, how can I serve?” And if you have ministry goals, talk with him about how you can develop your gifts in those areas, stc.

Get to it!

0 thoughts on “Starbucks Follow-Up

  1. Rachel Israel


    You are such an encouragement to me. I know that I am no longer a college student, but your advice still applies, especially when you teach in an area that has the summer off. Usually I work for the county sheriff’s office because I’ve done it before, it’s good money, flexible, and close to home…I was planning on working there again this summer. When I first read these last to posts, it really made me consider what I really should do this summer. However, I have learned valuable life skills as well as meeting many new kinds of people, seeing tough situations, and have had opportunities to witness for Christ. The more I’ve thought about it, the more I think I should still go back there. But I wanted to thank you for making me think. Sometimes I fall into the “habit” of things rather than thinking through them…seeing why I even do them. Thank you for reminding me to think.

    In the US it is Mother’s Day today. Tell Kelli “Happy Mother’s Day” for me. I pray that your trip is profitable.

  2. Jennica-Ayelet

    I’m sure other people are thinking it, so I’ll say it: I think you helped me with some decisions this summer. :) Also, Prof. Jensen at school says it is great to get experience in jobs that line up with your major, so that you don’t finish your college career and “work at Starbucks.” Some majors this may not be as feasible but it is still a good idea! Headed out this week to find a job, actually.
    Also, I’m glad that you still saying things you feel strongly about, even if someone might get mad/convicted. :)


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