My Life, Out of Control

By | June 8, 2007

I like to use my computer desktop as a temporary holding place for files that I need to work on.  Sometimes I get behind.


Don’t bother asking about my email inbox.

0 thoughts on “My Life, Out of Control

  1. Sam Neylan

    Now, on one hand that’s incredibly sad and overwhelming, but on the other it’s fantastically awesome and inspiring!!!
    God has given you a great mind, a huge network of people, and hundreds of ‘once in a lifetime’ experiences…it makes sense that your desktop is always ready and waiting for your involvement.
    MUCH grace & peace!

  2. Jennica-Ayelet

    I’ve heard about your e-mail inbox…
    I recognize that river displayed on the banner…
    Have a great summer!

  3. Bob Drouhard

    I learned a great system from life orgainization from the director of chiors at Oregon State. He has three “spheres:” The Phone, The Email Inbox, and the Desk in the Office. He says that up to 2 at a time can be out of control. If it gets to the point where 3 are out of hand, your life is about to crash.
    That desktop would drive me bonkers. I can’t stand a cluttered desktop, so I stuff all my files into folders, even if they go under the nebulous title of “schoolwork” or even, “stuff.” I think I am slightly neurotic.

  4. cindi

    If I recall, Gunner’s desktop looked almost identical to that until about a month ago.

    I hope Dallas provides some extra time for you.


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