The Last Six Weeks, in Photos

By | August 28, 2007

I don’t know if I’ve ever gone a month and a half without downloading my pictures from my camera.  But I suppose that a combination of events made that possible this summer.  But I have done it now, and thought I’d share a few pictures of the last six weeks of our life.

070710054tb Family room being packed
Packers came a few days before we moved

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I took pictures of the wall showing the growth of the kids over the years.

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Dear friends, Pastor Meno and Anat, stopped by to say goodbye

070712115tb Mark with Toby
Mark said goodbye to his/our tortoise, Toby

070712098tb Family at Western Wall
We made a final trip to the Old City

070712108tb Kids eating pizza in Jewish Quarter 
The kids chose pizza over shwarma in the Jewish Quarter

070728130tb Kids swinging at Zellers 
Friends graciously allowed us to take over their home (and swingset) while they were away.
070728127tb Katie swinging at Zellers

Just a cute picture of Katie (click for larger size)

070728132tb Minivan at Zellers
Other friends gave us an unbelievable deal on a minivan.

070814267tb Todd's California driver license
We had to get new driver’s licenses, and surrender our California ones.

070814257tb Family at White Rock Lake 
We moved to the house of other friends, which gave us convenient access to a nice walking path next to a lake.
 070817274tb Spider at Brocious home 
When we were leaving their house, I saw this cool spider.  He’s bigger than he looks.

I think I’ll stop with that.  Maybe I’ll do a “part two” another day.

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