You probably think this is announcing the title of John MacArthur’s next book, but it is not. I just thought that this morning’s service was rather interesting in a few regards. The service was not only a mix of hymns and choruses, they alternated back and forth between them: one chorus, one hymn, one chorus, one hymn, one chorus. Some people like to stand while singing, while others prefer to sit. This church had the perfect balance figured out. I was quite impressed. I was impressed with the rest of the service too. No obnoxious announcements for ten minutes and no monster projection screens (none whatsoever). They did the dumb handshake thing, but didn’t make us wear nametags. Good church service, even without the regular preacher. It’s probably farther than we want to drive on a regular basis, but we won’t exclude it until we look some more.
Why did you think handshaking is dumb? It’s a part of fellowship and being friendly- qualities Christ would have His followers possess.
I commented to Michelle Dueck in church the other day about you addressing this on your blog, the idea of making new people stand up, wear name tags, etc. I don’t like the “handshake” thing either. It seems kind of insincere or something (or maybe I don’t like it ‘cuz I’m kind of shy). I never remember the people the next week anyway after shaking their hands for 2 seconds and stating my name. I suppose the same thing can be accomplished after church (meeting others) if that group of Christians is really focused on fellowship. You can talk for a longer period of time, too. hmmmm…
I’m not shy, and I think the handshake thing is dumb. Boo for the handshake thing!
Kaydia – I think it’s dumb when you stand up and shake the hands of 5 people around you and they don’t introduce themselves or do anything more than shake hands and smile. I’m not sure that it’s very authentic and I don’t think it accomplishes anything, unless I’d been living in a box for the last year without physically touching another human being.