This Week

By | January 24, 2008

I did not write anything here for Tuesday’s class, which dealt with Matthew 1-4.  This may be owing to my sense of utter defeat.  That was not the only time this week that I felt that.  It’s not that I don’t know the answers, it’s that sometimes I don’t even understand the questions.  Today I tried to work on the Matthew argument, but really struggled to figure out what I’m supposed to do.  It’s not enough to write an “outline” of the book (that’s part of the whole), but you have to do it in a certain way.  And I’m not sure if my brain is up to it.  All of which to say that I don’t have much to say unless I write my resignation letter.

I might say too that there are some hard things going on for people around us that are burdening us right now.  Kelli’s Uncle Mike is about to be released from the hospital because there’s nothing they can do for his cancer.  He was in great physical shape a month ago.  And there are some other hard things with other dear people that I can’t mention here.

We’ve been “re-memorizing” Psalm 23 as a family (we did it a couple of years ago) and last night we play-acted it out.  Because it is so familiar, sometimes we might miss the power of its imagery.  But indeed, the Lord is our shepherd.  And he is a good shepherd.

Not really hard, but hard at the time, and possibly amusing here, was my dream last night.  I don’t remember too many of my dreams, but my truck was stolen last night in my dream.  Twice.  The first time a guy was pushing it away from our house with his vehicle.  He stopped a few doors down.  And for some stupid reason, I just went in the house.  I came back out later and it was gone and I was so mad at myself.  It was so real that I felt a huge relief when I woke up.

UPDATE: A couple of friends have asked if the first paragraph was serious.  It was, though “utter defeat” is hyperbolic.  The last couple of days have been better.  It was a bad time to get a very good job offer, but I am staying the course.

0 thoughts on “This Week

  1. Ross & Taya Black

    Hi Todd, it’s been eye-opening to hear about your workload and the struggles and victories you’ve been having. We appreciate your honesty (not just painting a rosy picture of it all). Just curious, what advice would you give one of your students who found themselves in the same boat?


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