Research Papers

By | January 26, 2008

In class yesterday, my second paper topic selection was approved.  So now I know exactly what I’m going to be thinking about a lot this semester:

For Gospels/Acts class: The location of the swine dive (Gerasa, Gadara, Gergesa).  I have thought a lot about this issue over the years, but several recent publications (but otherwise intelligent people) are miserable failures.  I’ve wanted to write a publishable article on this for some time, and this will be my chance.

For Torah/Former Prophets class: The reign of Jehu.  My intention is to write my dissertation on this subject, so this paper will be exploratory in nature.  (In case you forgot, Jehu is the only red arrow.)

0 thoughts on “Research Papers

  1. Jennica-Ayelet

    Swine dive!!! That’s hysterical! Leslie Ann and I are both grinning from ear to ear. :)
    I miss the good times in Archaeology class…

  2. Michelle Rivas

    Those sound like fun topics. And I just have to say that anytime someone mentions the name Jehu, the first thing I think is “Red Arrow” (I think remembering that is what you liked to call a big scar on the brain) =)

  3. Kelly Kiker

    those are great topics…the other day in class Dr. Frazer made an allusion to the swine dive and I thought about your thoughts on where that actually occurred. It will be really interesting!!

  4. Kat E.

    I don’t want to make you cry or anything, but the ‘Red Arrow’ is probably the one thing in the SMM that I absolutely, no-question-or-doubt-about-it, cannot forget. I was just flipping through my SMM the other day and found myself wondering what all those green and blue arrows meant. But not the red one. A few weeks ago in my OT class Dr. Varner went over that account and my first thought was “Oh! The Red Arrow!”

    Yes, Todd, it has left an indelible print on my mind.


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