While the killing of yeshiva students in Jerusalem got tons of news, the much bigger story is largely ignored. Hezbollah now has 30,000 rockets in Lebanon. They only had 13,000 before the Second Lebanon War in 2006. Some of their missiles now have the range to reach Tel Aviv.
I am not a science guru, and so, like many of you, I can only believe (or not) what I hear. With regards to global warming, some would have you think that there is no question: the earth is doomed in 5, 25, or 95 years. I agree with the conclusion, but am less convinced that it will be as a result of an increase in the earth’s temperature (though possibly of “God’s temperature”). This editorial seems intelligent and honest and questions whether the earth is warming up or not.
If you’re one of those who likes to slow down when driving past an accident, or better yet, see the accident happen, you might like this article which describes how one guy’s career was wrecked in less than a day. Well, that’s not completely true; the destruction was in the sin, not in the getting caught. But this aide to President Bush went from scot-free to job-free in only a few hours. And if you want to read a funny follow-up to that, read this Survival Guide to Writing a Fake Memoir.
A quote I liked from my study of 1 Samuel 1: “This passage also teaches that true power is to be found not in one’s position in society but in one’s posture before God. Accordingly, the motif of appearance versus reality is prominent in this passage. Eli, who possessed “spiritual competence” because of his office, was in fact a spiritual bumbler; the spiritual powerhouse in this narrative was a socially impotent woman from the rural regions of Ephraim. Hannah alone understood the true power of undivided faith in the Lord” (Bergen, 1,2 Samuel, NAC, p. 63).
I liked watching these water balloons in slow motion.