Between Semester and Departure

By | May 10, 2008

I leave for Israel after church tomorrow and time is tight.  A few short items that I’ve collected recently:

Here’s a good blog post for my readers traveling along (or thinking about traveling along) the PhD route.  There’s a few things I might add, but it’s very insightful as it stands.

Here are some people doing crazy stuff next to a waterfall.

This guy had WAY too much time on his hands.  But I’m inspired.

I wish I was flying first class on Singapore Airlines and not cattle car on El Al.

Eli Cohen was Israel’s best spy and he is remembered in this JPost article.

Tomorrow I’m going to read (again) Exodus, by Leon Uris.  There was a real boat called the Exodus and its commander died a few weeks ago.

I feel like I need to immerse in a mikveh, because today I was, you guessed it, in the Apple Store.  Even worse, my boys saw me and were with me.  I do, however, really like the new Apple ad.

We would appreciate your prayers for the family in my absence.  If anyone has a suggestion for a hotel for 2 nights in Paris in June, let me know.  I ran out of time.

9 thoughts on “Between Semester and Departure

  1. Jennica-Ayelet

    Have a great time, Todd!!!!!! And you get to stop in France, too! Maybe that will help with jet lag.

  2. Al Sandalow

    How will you arrive in Paris and what do you want to be near?

  3. Gunner

    Congratulations on your Th.M. graduation from TMS. I saw your name in the program tonight but figured you probably weren’t present to walk. :)

  4. stratkey

    Good words on PhD studies. I received very similar advice when I went back to visit with my Westmont profs prior to coming out to Princeton Seminary. Academic Xian studies are a crucible—a theology of the cross, not glory.

  5. Cynthia

    if i can find the name of the place we stayed, i’ll email it to you.

  6. Todd Bolen

    I’ll be flying in/out of Charles DeGaulle. Primary place to visit: Louvre.

    Gunner – thanks for the notice. I’m embarrassed it took me so long. At the time of graduation, I was on a flight to Germany.

  7. Al

    Todd, one more post to make you (and me) green with envy. This is off another board where someone is posting about a trip he is on to Israel:

    “The day was full of those kind of moments. Our day started with a remarkable opportunity – Sam Salem, who coordinates VIP tours for UN personnel and visitors, was able to add us to a UN tour that not only went around on Temple Mount/Haram al-Sharif, but was able to go INSIDE of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock! As most of you know, those sites have been closed to all non-Muslims since 2000 with the exception of VIP tours and other guests of the Waqf (Islamic Trust). This was a very special opportunity for which we were so grateful. We were even able to take photographs inside, which I ‘ve never been able to do, even when Al-Aqsa and Dome of the Rock were open to non-Muslim visitors.”

  8. Danielle

    I’m reading Leon Uris’ Exodus too!! Jennica lent it to me. :-)

  9. Ilena

    Todd- when I stayed in Paris in 2000, my sister (she is currently in Turkey, on the Greece/Turkey trip with Master’s) and I stayed in the Jewish quarter of Paris- oddly enough. I love it! It smelled wonderful; and though I had not, by that time, been to Israel yet, Deana had, and she said the smells reminded her of the Jewish Quarter in Jerusalem on Shabbat. The hotel was a great, little hotel, and it gave you free breakfast- which mostly consisted of lovely crusty bread, a croisant and tea or coffee. But to us, cheap travelers, it was perfect. The rooms were quite clean and had a sink in it. But, the bathroom was across the hall, and the shower was on the next, lower level. But, over all I really loved it. I will look for the name of it and get back to you. Also, I will be praying for Kelly and your family during her surgery and your time away.


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